Want a fuller, healthier lawn in Overland Park that’s softer on the feet?

That’s the real goal, isn’t it? To have grass that is so full and healthy it feels like a plush green cushion to walk on. It’s perfect to throw the football around with your friends or family. It’s also great for little ones to play on! Nothing is worse than a sparse, dry lawn that is hard as a rock!

So where do you start to turn your dull lawn into the plus green cushion everyone wants to touch??

It’s simple really. You need to take the proper steps to give your lawn some new life. Not just a simple one-time treatment, with fingers crossed that it works! A full lawn renovation needs all of the proper steps to reach its full potential.

1. Overseeding / Seeding Grass

Seeding your lawn can be good for your lawn by providing a sense of alleviation from the past stressors like drought, disease or insect damage. With seeding, you provide the opportunity for new life to grow in your backyard. Depending on the size of your lawn, a professional lawn care provider can recommend the right seeding strategy.

2. Fertilizing

Fertilizer is comprised of three major nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Nitrogen makes grass plants grow and become greener; phosphorus stimulates root growth and seedling development, and potassium promotes disease and drought tolerance.

Aspen’s technicians take the time to analyze and study your lawn to make service recommendations for the optimal aesthetically beautiful lawn. Each of the 7 times they visit during the season, they will let you know what treatment they performed and what results you can expect.

3. Aeration

Aerification loosens the compact soil in your lawn and helps to break down thatch layers that have developed above the soil level. This process allows water and nutrients to flow easier and more natural to the roots.  By doing all of these things, you will develop a lawn that has deeper, more plentiful root systems that will easier tolerate heat, disease and insect activity.

The three essential steps for a fuller, healthier lawn in Overland Park.