Over time, natural grass lawns will begin to look dull and thin. Ordinarily, this is the result of factors such as weather, wear, and disease. Fortunately, proper maintenance and seeding can restore your lawn to its full potential.

The best defense against weeds is a thick, lush, lawn!

If you need to reseed your entire lawn or only a portion, we can help. We will work with you to choose the best seed and seed application process. Once the process is complete, you will have a beautiful green lawn that is resistant to drought and disease.

Is your grass thin, patchy, or full of weeds? We can help!

What is Seeding?

If you need to reseed your entire lawn or only a portion, we can help. We will work with you to choose the best seed and seed application process. Once the process is complete, you will have a beautiful green lawn that is resistant to drought and disease.

Our Three-Step Seeding Process

Step 1 –

Aeration or Verticutting

We use aerators and/or verticutters to incorporate the seed into the soil so it will germinate better.

Step 2 –


After aeration, we apply a starter fertilizer enhanced with the correct nutrient ratio and specialized plant-based hormones to maximize establishment and growth.

Step 3 –


Finally, we will provide clear and helpful instructions on how to water and care for your newly seeded lawn for optimal results.

When Should I Seed My Lawn?

The best time to seed cool-season grasses like tall fescue or Kentucky bluegrass is during the Fall (mid-August to mid-October), because the soil is still warm, the fall rains have arrived, and fewer weeds germinate during this season.

Let’s Get Started!

Like older aeration processes, verticutting is a landscaping technique intended to help your lawn grow stronger, thicker, taller, and to retain moisture more effectively. Verticutting is achieved with a verticutter machine that cuts slices into your lawn, instead of punching holes like older aerators. The greatest advantage of verticutting is that it also helps remove thatch buildup so your grass can establish stronger and deeper roots.

Does your lawn need aeration or verticutting? Our lawn care experts can help!

Why Aeration and Verticutting?

  • Improved air exchange between the soil and atmosphere.
  • Enhanced soil water uptake.
  • Improved fertilizer uptake and absorption.
  • Reduced water runoff and puddling.
  • Stronger turf grass roots.
  • Reduced soil compaction.
  • Enhanced heat and drought stress tolerance.
  • Improved resiliency and cushioning.

Are you ready for a top of the line lawn?