Pests can come in all shapes and sizes – but hopefully, they aren’t too big and persistent this fall. Once the cold weather begins blowing in, insects have a knack for knowing when to surprise us. There are a variety of pests that can harm our homes – inside and out. Therefore, we created a pest control program that can help homeowners get rid of these irritating pests before they attack.

Our pest control program encompasses a wide variety of pests that Midwesterners tend to encounter.

1. How to Get Rid of Indoor Pests

Indoor pests can quite honestly be the most invasive pests. They scale your home and are of course never welcomed. Although, indoor pests don’t care about being polite. They enter your home regardless. Therefore, homeowners must stop these insects before they get to the door. The easiest way to rid your home of these insects is to attack the issue before it grows.

At Aspen, we provide quarterly treatments to ensure indoor insects won’t invade your home during any season, especially in the fall. Our pest repellers will spray inside and outside the home. Therefore, the indoor pest control issue is solved at the core.

indoor pest control exterminator in overland park ks

2. How To Prevent Against Emerald Ash Borer

Emerald Ash Borer is a disease that infects ash trees in the fall. It’s especially tough on Kansas trees. The best way to protect against Emerald Ash Borer is to prepare for it ahead of time. Therefore, you won’t be scrambling at the last minute to try to save your Ash trees.

We offer professional Emerald Ash Borer control for homeowners who are trying to maintain their tree’s health. If you’re an Ash tree owner, it’s extremely important to protect your trees against this invasive disease. If your trees aren’t treated quickly, they could very much be in significant danger.

emerald ash borer disease control

3. Tree & Shrub Disease Control

Just as it’s important to protect your Ash trees, it’s important to protect your other trees and shrubs as well. Otherwise, your whole lawn could be infected. Aspen provides a five-round treatment that will protect your greenery.

When the weather turns, your trees and shrubs can obtain infectious diseases. Without proper care and protection against these diseases, your greenery can be in trouble. It’s important to protect against these dangers before they get worse.

tree and shrub disease control

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