Did you know that the average rainfall for September in Johnson County is almost 5 inches? Guess how much we’ve gotten so far this month? 1.02 inches!!!! Don’t let the cooler temperatures fool you, plants can die from drought stress in cool weather too. New seed also needs the extra water that mother nature isn’t providing, at least twice per day for a period of 2-3 weeks. In addition, do not cease watering once the seed germinates, you’ll need to keep giving the plant substantial water until it goes dormant.
Aspen Lawn & Pest Control – Landscaping Company in Overland Park
As an Overland Park lawn fertilization company and lawn seeding company in Overland Park, we handle every facet of lawn care. Aspen provides our customers with lawn mowing services, lawn fertilization, landscaping design, landscape maintenance in Overland Park. We are also an industry-leading pest control company in Overland Park. Whether you’re looking for flea and tick control, Mosquito Armor®, treatment for pests infecting your trees or shrubs, or need indoor pest control in Overland Park to remove ants, spiders, and insects, Aspen can help!
Contact us today if you need a sprinkler installation in Overland Park or lawn care in Overland Park.
Our Overland Park pest control company is here to help! From spider control to mosquito control in Overland Park!
Aspen Lawn and Pest Control
Kansas City and Overland Park, KS
1265 N Winchester St.
Olathe, KS 66061