11 Reasons to Schedule a Sprinkler Installation in Overland Park 

Watering your lawn is often more complicated than it appears. Most homeowners make the mistake of over-watering or underwatering their lawn at some point during the year. The right sprinkler system and professional lawn sprinkler installation in Overland Park can help ensure your lawn has the correct dose of H20.


Reason #1 – Stop Overwatering Your Lawn!

When you overwater your lawn, you can cause a host of problems. Aboveground root systems on some grasses will be damaged by having too much water all at once. This makes absorbing the necessary nutrients and minerals from the soil nearly impossible. Overwatering can also lead to fungal diseases which kill grass. Install a residential lawn sprinkler system to avoid these problems.


Reason #2 – Save Time.

Having to manually water your lawn every day can be a massive waste of time. Instead, install an automatic residential lawn sprinkler system; it will take care of the watering for you. The best sprinkler systems use sensors to detect moisture levels and turn your system on and off automatically.


Sprinkler Installation in Overland Park


Reason #3 – Save Money – Sprinkler Installation in Overland Park

Residential lawn sprinkler systems are very cost-effective. They allow you to save on water bills, as the right system will only use the exact amount of water needed for your soil type and grass type.


Reason #4 – Avoid Under Watering Your Lawn.

Underwatering your lawn is just as bad as overwatering it. It leaves your grass dry, brown, and weak. Eventually, lack of water can lead to bald spots or the proliferation of weeds.


Reason #5 – Keep Your Lawn Looking Great – Sprinkler Installation in Overland Park

A residential lawn sprinkler ensures your grass gets the optimal amount of water, nutrients, and sunlight throughout the year. This will help keep your lawn looking lush and green all year round; no more brown patches or bald spots!


Reason #6 – Let Technology Take Care of It.

You don’t have to worry about manually watering your lawn anymore; the best residential lawn sprinkler system is connected to a digital timer that will water your lawn automatically. This means you can set it and forget it, knowing that your grass will receive the perfect amount of water throughout the year.


Reason #7 – Care for Your Lawn the Right Way.

Have you invested a nice sum of money on landscaping and turf installation? Don’t let it go to waste. Install an automatic sprinkler system that will help you care for your lawn the right way. This investment will pay off with a beautiful, lush lawn that stands out in the neighborhood.


Sprinkler Installation in Overland Park


Do you need sprinkler installation in Overland Park or sprinkler service in Overland Park?

Contact us today!


Reason #8 – Get Better Watering Results.

Using manually operated water hoses often results in inconsistent coverage and poor water distribution. Professional residential lawn sprinkler installation helps you get better watering results by ensuring even water distribution across the yard, including those hard-to-reach areas.


Reason #9 – Guarantee Complete Coverage

As a homeowner, it is often difficult to determine if you have watered your entire lawn evenly when using a garden hose. With residential lawn sprinkler installation in Overland Park, however, you can guarantee complete coverage of your yard while avoiding any overspray or runoff.


Reason #10 – Avoid Wasting Water.

Traditional manual watering methods often waste water, as the water often runs off or evaporates before it can be absorbed. Residential lawn sprinkler installation helps you avoid wasting water by providing controlled, efficient lawn watering using a timer and sensors.


Sprinkler Installation in Overland Park


Reason #11 – Save Water During Drought Conditions.

Dry climates can cause serious problems for your lawn; however, with residential sprinkler systems, you can save water during times of drought. The sensors on the system will detect moisture levels and adjust accordingly to provide just the right amount of water for your lawn.



Aspen Lawn & Pest Control – Landscaping Company in Overland Park   

As an Overland Park lawn fertilization company and lawn seeding company in Overland Park, we handle every facet of lawn care. Aspen provides our customers with lawn mowing services, lawn fertilization, landscaping design, landscape maintenance in Overland Park. We are also an industry-leading pest control company in Overland Park. Whether you’re looking for flea and tick control, Mosquito Armor®, treatment for pests infecting your trees or shrubs, or need indoor pest control in Overland Park to remove ants, spiders, and insects, Aspen can help! 

Lawn Care Company in Overland Park 

Contact us today if you need a sprinkler installation in Overland Park or lawn care in Overland Park.  

Our Overland Park pest control company is here to help! From spider control to mosquito control in Overland Park!


Aspen Lawn and Pest Control 

Kansas City and Overland Park, KS 

1265 N Winchester St. 

Olathe, KS 66061 
