10 Reasons to Schedule Lawn Sprinkler Service in Overland Park Today

When was the last time you scheduled sprinkler service in Overland Park? Don’t underestimate the importance of routine service, inspections, and seasonal care. Check out the following reasons to schedule sprinkler service in Overland Park today!

Reason #1 – They Don’t Spray Evenly

Watch your sprinklers as they run. Are they spraying evenly? If not, you may have a broken nozzle or a blocked line. Fortunately, sprinkler heads are relatively easy to replace. You can buy a new head yourself or hire a pro to inspect the system for you and replace everything that isn’t performing as it should.

Reason #2 – You Find a Puddle Near a Sprinkler Head After Using It

The system is not working correctly if you find a puddle near a sprinkler head after using it. Puddles often occur because you have a broken component or misaligned sprinkler head. Your sprinkler technician can identify the problem and repair it fast.

Sprinkler Service in Overland Park


Reason #3 – Your Sprinklers Don’t Work – Sprinkler Service in Overland Park

Has your sprinkler system stopped working altogether? Don’t worry! Your system can be repaired or replaced. There are many components in a lawn sprinkler system, so get professional help to diagnose the problem. Newer systems are typically more efficient and less prone to breaking.

Reason #4 – Your Sprinkler System Hasn’t Been Inspected in a While

Just like any other system, it’s important to have your sprinkler system inspected regularly. An experienced technician can inspect your system and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that it’s running efficiently and effectively.

Reason #5 – You Notice Leaks in Your Sprinkler System

If you have leaks in your sprinkler system, they need to be fixed immediately. Leaks are most often caused by broken supply lines or damaged sprinkler heads. An experienced technician can quickly identify and repair any issues with your system. If you have multiple cracked supply lines, replace them all.

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Reason #6 – Your Sprinkler System Needs Upgrading – Sprinkler Service in Overland Park

Older systems are often inefficient and can cost you money in the long run. If your system is more than five years old, consider upgrading. A newer model can reduce water consumption and lower your water bills.

Reason #7 – You Suspect Your Sprinklers Are Wasting Water

If you suspect your sprinklers are wasting water, this could be because of a broken valve, moisture sensor, or faulty timer. An experienced technician can quickly identify and repair any issues to ensure your system runs efficiently. If you have an older sprinkler system, replace the old sprinkler heads with a newer design.

Reason #8 – Your System Suffers from Chronically Low Water Pressure

Chronically low water pressure in your sprinkler system usually stems from blockages or leaks. Your technician can trace the source of the issue and repair your system fast. Professional sprinkler service in Overland Park can help resolve this issue quickly.

Reason #9 – You’re Having Issues with Your Rain Sensor

Do your sprinklers keep running even when it’s raining? They shouldn’t do that. Rain sensors are designed to shut off sprinklers when rain has been detected. If you’re having issues with your rain sensor, it may need cleaning or repair. A technician can quickly diagnose and resolve the issue.


Sprinkler Service in Overland Park


Reason #10 – You’re Experiencing Poor Coverage

Don’t settle for a patchy lawn. If your sprinklers are not covering your entire lawn, it could be because of blockages, broken heads, or a poor design. A technician can quickly identify and repair the issue to ensure every part of your lawn gets the water it needs.

Discolored grass is often caused by uneven watering, but there are other possible causes. An experienced lawn care company in Overland Park can analyze your lawn’s health and recommend a strategy to make it stronger and greener.


Aspen Lawn & Pest Control – Lawn Seeding in Overland Park

As a landscaping and lawn seeding company in Overland Park, we handle every facet of lawn care. Aspen provides our customers with lawn mowing services, lawn fertilization, landscaping design, lawn seeding in Overland Park, and industry-leading pest control treatment methods. Whether you’re looking for flea and tick control, Mosquito Armor®, treatment for pests infecting your trees or shrubs, or need indoor pest control to remove ants, spiders, and insects, Aspen can help!

Sprinkler Service in Overland Park


Contact us today if you need a lawn care company in Overland Park. We are here to help!


Aspen Lawn and Pest Control

Kansas City and Overland Park, KS

1265 N Winchester St.

Olathe, KS 66061
