Turf & Ornamental Maintenance

Time to start watering…

We recommend starting to water if you have an irrigation system.  Plants and turf are starting to show early signs of drought stress and minimally watering will help them continue to thrive going into the summer.  We recommend watering turf 3 days per week, rotors: 30 minutes, sprays: 10 minutes and MP rotators 25-30 minutes.  Planting areas should be watered as needed or 2-3 days per week to supplement rainfall.

Time to start watering…2024-03-09T09:08:47-06:00

Tar spot on mapels

Recently we have seen alot of below disease on maples here is good article from purdue on what it is and how to treat

Tar Spot on Maple


The following question was sent to the P&PDL diagnosticians here at Purdue University:

Question: Almost every summer the leaves on my maple trees have black spots on them that look like tar. What is it and what should I do about it?

Tar spot on mapels2024-03-09T09:08:03-06:00

Tired of watering your container gardens?

If your like me than you love having annual containers every year...the worst part is the water that annuals in a potted setting require which in most cases is every day watering.  There are some awesome drip/mister irrigation options that are available and can be either installed to your existing sprinkler system with ease or even set up to run off of your spigot.  If you're interested in saving time watering this summer, this is definately the way to go.  

Tired of watering your container gardens?2024-03-09T09:07:20-06:00

Warmer weather on the way…Time to start Irrigating!

The forecast calls for much warmer weather this week, with minimal chances for rain.  If you haven't done so already, we recommend turning on irrigation clocks this week.  Mother Nature has frequently watered this year so root systems will be expecting that to continue.  Turf and plants will stress if we get in the 90's and don't have moisture.  Please call us if you need assistance.

Warmer weather on the way…Time to start Irrigating!2024-03-09T09:06:34-06:00


Disease season is here!!  Nightime temperatures and humidity are on the rise which will lend itself to diease development on Turf.  Diseases most likely on cool season turf are Dollar Spot, Brown Patch of Fescue and Summer Patch of Bluegrass.  If you start seeing curious brown, irregular spots in your lawn, please contact your Turf Manager immediately.


When is the best time to renovate your lawn?

The best time to renovate your lawn is NOW!  Seeding now while the temperatures are still warm will ensure the best possible germination.  As soil temps. cool so do percentages of germination.  But remember, you must keep the seed bed moist at all times and not allow it to dry out.  Once the seed pod breaks open, the plant must have consistent water to continue it's germination cycle.  It is also important to remember to water frequently after watering up until and in some cases past dormancy.

When is the best time to renovate your lawn?2024-03-09T09:17:00-06:00

Fescue questions…

We've been asked why we only use fescue to overseed our lawns.  The biggest concern people have is that there is a preconceived notion that fescue is a much thicker, more unattractive blade than bluegrass is.  The truth is that newer varieties of Turf type fescue are hard to distinguish when held up to a blade of bluegrass.  K-31 Fescue is the type of fescue that presents a thicker blade.  Newer varieties are developed for their superior presentation in the lawn (See picture for differance in size from K-31 to turf type).

Fescue questions…2024-03-09T09:16:15-06:00

Real time soil temperature data


Ever wondered what the actual soil temperatures are.  This tool gives you a realtime temperature at 1" and 4" depths.  What amazes me is how much it varies from day to night this time of year.  Seed germination takes twice as long when soil temps dip into the 50's and 60's at nightime like they are right now because it is only growing during the daytime (warmer) hours.   

Real time soil temperature data2024-03-09T09:15:20-06:00

Watering New Seed and Grass

This is one of the most important steps in the renovation process.  Make sure your seed is receiving enough water to germinate but not too much that it drowns.  We reccomend at least 2 times per day 10-15 min. on rotor heads and 5-7 min on spray heads.  Continue this watering until seed has germinated and you have a good stand of new grass.  Switch watering over to once a day, around mid-day, everyday.  Except on days when you mow, not to damage new grass.   Keep this process up until you have mowed your new grass 2-3 times.

Watering New Seed and Grass2024-03-09T09:14:29-06:00

Should I leave my grass tall going into Fall to help protect the plant?

Sometimes you will hear people say to let the grass grow tall right before winter sets in. Their reasoning is that the extra foliage will insulate the crown of the plant from the extreme cold of winter. Although this may sound reasonable, in practice it probably does little, if anything, to increase winter hardiness. On the contrary, a canopy that is too high during the wintermay lay over and become matted down, leading to an increased

Should I leave my grass tall going into Fall to help protect the plant?2024-03-09T09:13:46-06:00
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