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About ALP-admin

For ALP-admin services from Aspen Lawn and Pest, expert lawn care and pest control solutions. Book your service now for a healthy, beautiful yard.

Overwintering Tropical Plants

Tropicals are expensive to replace every year so if you have some you really like you can overwinter them in your house or basement.  Most tropicals will overwinter with minimal care all that is required is to water once a month and make sure they recieve some light.  Light can be provided naturally or by artifical lighting.

Overwintering Tropical Plants2023-09-01T15:48:47-05:00


Have you ever gazed out of the kitchen window at your beautiful wildlife garden on a cold winter’s day?  It looks so barren and lonely.  Have you ever wondered where the butterflies go during this time of year?


Dormant Pruning

Don't forget to cut your ornamental grasses and shrub roses back this spring before spring growth starts.  This is important to remove old growth as well as encourage new, healthy growth.


Dormant Pruning2023-09-01T15:48:48-05:00

Mowing Schedule After Seeding

A lot of customers are calling in asking why the mowers skipped them this week.  We actually recommend skipping the weekly mowing after a fall renovation.  The seed is still very fragile and cannot handle the machines running over it.  Usually the grass has not germinated by this time anyways, so it is not always needed.  If you are doing a complete overhaul of the lawn with a full renovation, you might have to skip mowing even longer.

Mowing Schedule After Seeding2024-03-08T13:59:23-06:00

In the spirit of Mowing season!

Make sure to sharpen your blades before the first mowing-  Dull blades cause "tearing" of the blade which causes the tips to have a brown discoloration.  In addition, it is not healthy for the plant.  Ensure that used blades are free of cracks, nicks or bends before using them. 

2 1/2-3" Mow height (1st mowing only)- This will remove the old tips and encourage new growth resulting in better vigor and appearance.  Height should be moved to 3-3 1/2" for subsequent mowing(s).

In the spirit of Mowing season!2023-09-01T15:48:49-05:00

Weekly mowing to start this week

Weekly mowing is scheduled to begin this Wednesday 3/31.  Spring is finally here!!!

  If you didn't already have a spring leaf cleanup this spring and the yard is a mess, please call the office.  We'd be happy to bag the leaves and cleanup debris during the first mowing. 

Weekly mowing to start this week2023-09-01T15:48:49-05:00

Another possible disease brought on by this crazy weather

Lirope is consider the  bullet-proof  by most gardners but dry weather and  excessive watering creates new problem. We are seeing a new disease  described as crown rot, caused by Phytophthora palmivora. The disease is exacerbated by wet soil so don’t do any irrigation for the rest of the summer. Fungicide drenches can control the disease but they are too expensive to consider

Another possible disease brought on by this crazy weather2016-01-12T18:41:58-06:00
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