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About ALP-admin

For ALP-admin services from Aspen Lawn and Pest, expert lawn care and pest control solutions. Book your service now for a healthy, beautiful yard.

Watering Needs

Keep a close eye on your pots, window boxes and hanging baskets this month.  By this time of year, plants have grown out and their roots have developed fully, maximizing their water usage.  Water regularly and on hot weeks it is not unusal to water once a day.  Test the soil of the pots with your finger and make sure soil is moist and look for signs of wilting.  Watch shade plantings, they will not need as much attention as they do not have the sun drying them out.

Watering Needs2024-03-21T09:51:58-05:00

Irrigation Startups

Irrigation Startups have begun!  Please contact the office for scheduling.  We schedule in time blocks- 8am-noon or 1pm-5pm, but can always call you an hour early so you don't have to wait around!  At this time we will complete a system check to ensure that everything is working properly.  

Irrigation Startups2024-03-21T09:50:24-05:00

Bagworm Prevention

Best way to control an infestation of bagworms is to spray tree in the early spring when baby caterpillars are just emerging and relatively weak.  Timing is crucial, if sprayed even a week late they will be big enough to resist the pesticides.  Arborviates and ornamental conifers are bagworms favorites but they also feed on broad leaved shrubs and trees like maples and sycamores.

Bagworm Prevention2024-03-21T09:46:40-05:00

Tropical Kansas??

Why go to a tropical paradise this summer when you can have one in your own backyard?  We have many options to give your landscape a tropical flair.   Tropical flowers do great in out hot summers!  Give us a call today for tropical inspiration.  Pots, flower beds...we can do it all.

Tropical Kansas??2024-03-21T09:25:15-05:00

Rainwater Barrels

Old Wiskey Barrels are great for rainwater collection.  There is nothing better for the environment or your plants than to recycle rain!  You can pick up one of these Wiskey barrels for less than a $100.00 and plumb it into your downspouts for almost nothing besides the couple hours it will take you to install it.  Then watch your water $$$$ drop away and watch your plants LOVE you for it.

Rainwater Barrels2024-03-21T09:24:09-05:00

Fuel Surcharge

Fuel surcharges are currently in effect due to increases in gas prices this year. We implement this 1.95% surcharge to all invoices when fuel prices reach $3.25 per gallon (87 octane). As soon as prices fall below this level, which we anticipate, we will remove this fee. If you have any questions or concerns please call the Aspen Lawn Care office at 913-829-6135. Thank you for your understanding and continued service.

Fuel Surcharge2024-03-21T09:22:29-05:00

Hot weather on the way!

Water extra this week.  Temps are projected to reach near 100 degrees for consecutive days towards the end of the week.  Please make sure to water accordingly to help plants, especially turf and new plantings through this hot spell.

Watering recommendations are:  4-5 days per week.  30-35 minutes for rotors and 10-15 minutes for sprays (pop ups)


Hot weather on the way!2024-03-21T09:20:42-05:00
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