Your home and pets could become infested with fleas as the warn air comes in. This is due to the fact that no stage of the flea’s life—egg, larvae, pupae, or adult—can withstand extremely low temperatures for an extended length of time. Consequently, fleas use your pet as a host and seek to enter your home when the weather turns.

The female flea can lay up to 50 eggs every day for more than three months once she is inside. It’s just a matter of time until you find yourself dealing with a flea infestation at this point. To prevent these pests from ever getting a chance to establish an infestation, it is crucial to recognize the warning indications of a possible infestation. Aspen, a leader in pest control in Overland Park, is available to assist you! Here are 5 of the top indicators that a flea infestation is present.

Overzealous Scratching

“Flea allergy dermatitis” is an allergic reaction brought on by the flea’s saliva. Excessive scratching at or around the infected area will result from this reaction. You should search for fleas if you notice that your dog or cat is itching more than usual in areas where they usually don’t.

Black Dots

It’s possible that any dark spots on your pet are flea dirt Aspen, pest control in Overland Park explains, or flea excrement. It might be challenging to distinguish between external dirt and flea dirt. In this case, you can check for fleas or flea eggs—which are round and off-white in color—by sweeping a flea comb through the unclean area.

Hair Loss

Bald spots and hair loss can result from fleas biting and scratching your pet excessively.

Pest Control in Overland Park


Yes, just like people, pets can experience stress. Sadly, fleas can cause your pets to become agitated, stressed, and frustrated. This is primarily brought on by the incapacity to stop flea-induced itching. Check for fleas if your pet isn’t sleeping, acting strangely, or scratching all the time.


White, Pale Gums

There’s a possibility that your pet has flea anemia if their gums are pale and white. Since fleas feed on your pet’s blood, they frequently experience flea anemia, or a loss of red blood cells. According to Aspen, the experts on pest control in Overland Park, remain calm if your pet starts to exhibit pale gums. Check for fleas whenever you take your pet to the veterinarian.

If you don’t see a lot of fleas, you could encounter ticks. What are the commonalities between anaplasmosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and Lyme disease? All of these illnesses are transmitted by ticks and are growing more widespread in the US. Ticks slow down in the fall or winter, but our pest control company in Overland Park is here to help. Some ticks only begin to reproduce in the fall, like the black-legged tick, also called the deer tick. Ticks that feed on deer are active, out, and seeking food.

Fortunately, you can get ready! Here are some steps you can take to prevent tick exposure for your family, yourself, and your cherished pets. You’re also shielding your house from a possible infestation of these unwanted pests by taking these precautions.

Get Rid of Tick Breeding Areas

Before attaching themselves, ticks usually hide and wait for a possible host to pass by. Ticks have lots of opportunities in the fall to locate breeding grounds and, eventually, hosts to attach themselves to.

Ticks frequently hide and breed in leaf piles or any other area where there is leaf litter. Our pest Control company in Overland Park knows that can lay up to 3000 eggs, so they can reproduce rather quickly. You can prevent ticks from breeding there by raking and picking up leaves, as well as making a secure play area for your family and pets.

Ticks prefer shaded, wooded areas for breeding. It’s crucial to remember that wooded areas are common places for ticks to breed, so if you’re walking your pet through them or have them in your backyard, make sure to take the necessary safety measures to keep your pet safe. You should also make sure to check your pet for ticks whenever you get home.


Pest Control in Overland Park 


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Examine Your Animals

It’s rare to find a dog that doesn’t like jumping into leaf piles, chasing leaves, or playing in the leaves. That’s what dogs adore doing! For this reason, it is essential to check your pets for ticks in order to protect them and your house from any possible infestation.

The following advice can help you check your pets for ticks:

  • Check your pet’s body for any odd lumps.
  • Examine any places that might be frequently missed, such as in between the toes, under the collar, under the ears, and under the ears.
  • To assist in eliminating those bloodsuckers, use a flea comb.

You can also treat your pets with preventative tick repellent. These remedies will lessen the possibility that a tick will injure your cats, dogs, or other pets.


Aspen – Your Reliable Source for Pest Control in Overland Park

At Aspen Lawn & Pest Control, we’re dedicated to transforming your outdoor space into a haven of beauty and comfort. As a comprehensive lawn care and landscaping company in Overland Park, KS – we understand that true outdoor enjoyment goes beyond lush green lawns and vibrant landscapes – it also involves a pest-free environment. Our unique approach combines top-tier lawn care expertise with an effective strategy for pest control in Overland Park. Our experts will ensure that your property remains stunning, healthy, and free from unwanted intruders.


Pest Control in Overland Park


Aspen Lawn & Pest Control – Landscaping Company in Overland Park   


As an Overland Park lawn fertilization company and lawn seeding company in Overland Park, we handle every facet of lawn care. Aspen provides our customers with lawn mowing services, lawn fertilization, landscaping design, landscape maintenance in Overland Park, and industry-leading pest control treatment methods. Whether you’re looking for flea and tick control, Mosquito Armor®, treatment for pests infecting your trees or shrubs, or need indoor pest control to remove ants, spiders, and insects, Aspen can help! 


Contact us today if you need a sprinkler installation in Overland Park or lawn care in Overland Park.  

We are here to help! 


Aspen Lawn and Pest Control 

Kansas City and Overland Park, KS 

1265 N Winchester St. 

Olathe, KS 66061 



Pest Control in Overland Park