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About ALP-admin

For ALP-admin services from Aspen Lawn and Pest, expert lawn care and pest control solutions. Book your service now for a healthy, beautiful yard.

Snow mold

Moldy Turf?

The prolonged snow cover this winter is leading to some snow mold development. There are several

types of snow molds, molds tend to occur where there is a long

time-period of snow cover, especially where turf is

matted down and when the turf was very lush at the time of the initial snow.

mold activity.

Snow mold2024-03-08T14:15:56-06:00

Top seed varieties- 2009

Here are the 27 highest ranked fescue cultivars for the midwest as rated by K-state over the last 5 years :
2nd Millenium, Apache III, Avenger, Biltmore, Blackwatch, Cayenne, Cochise III, Dynasty, Escalade, Falcon IV, Fidelity, Finelawn Elite, Forte, Guardian 21, Inferno, Justice, Kalahari, Matador, Padre, Picasso, Regiment II, Rembrandt, Tar Heel, Titanium, Ultimate, Watchdog, & Wolfpack
Top seed varieties- 20092024-03-08T14:14:51-06:00

To Bag or not to Bag?

If you bag and dispose of your lawn clippings, you're throwing away a valuable resourse.  Lawn Clippings are high in nutrients that can be returned to the soil.  Research has shown that over the course of 1 season, the clippings from a 1,000 square feet area contribute nearly 2 lbs of Nitrogen.  That is huge considering that most fertilizer recommendations for a season are between 3-4 lbs per 1,000 square feet of area.  Everyone knows how much fertilizer if you're disposing of your grass clippings, you're throwing away $$$$.

To Bag or not to Bag?2024-03-08T13:37:00-06:00

Leaf Cleanups begin 10/31

We will begin leaf cleanups on all properties on Halloween.  The first cleanup will involve removing all leaves from turf areas and hard surfaces.  The second and final scheduled cleanup will involve removing all leaves from turf and hard surfaces in addition to removing all leaves from bedding areas.  Please call the office to schedule this service.

Leaf Cleanups begin 10/312024-03-08T13:42:20-06:00

Weekly Mowing has begun!

Now that our week of rain is past us, we've begun our weekly mowing routes.  Typically, we begin our mowing season the first week of April, but this year is anything but typical.  For those we don't mow, we recommend mowing as soon as possible.  The grass may not look that tall, but it is very thick right now and will create a mess if not mowed soon.  Warmer weather and sunshine is on the way, so next week it will really take off!

Weekly Mowing has begun!2024-03-08T13:43:08-06:00

Blade Sharpening

If you mow your own lawn make sure you are keeping those blades sharp on the mower. Here at Aspen we sharpen every night, it has happened that we change out blades half-way through the day to insure a good clean cut. Here is a picture that might help you determine if you need your blade or blades sharpened.

Blade Sharpening2024-03-08T13:48:42-06:00
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