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About ALP-admin

For ALP-admin services from Aspen Lawn and Pest, expert lawn care and pest control solutions. Book your service now for a healthy, beautiful yard.

Poor Seed Germination this Fall!

I've gotten many calls this fall about poor seed germination.  The cause of this was not poor workmanship or quality of seed but rather in the fall drought we've experienced this year.  See the attached image from Joe Lauria from FOX 4 KC showing that this September and October was the 3rd driest on record.  I saw the poorest germination I've ever seen in irrigated lawns and practically NO germination in un-irrigated lawns.  Coverage/Distribution problems were very apparant in irrigated lawns with some areas coming up great and other areas nothing but drou

Poor Seed Germination this Fall!2024-03-09T08:43:45-06:00

Spray your Crabapples early this year to prevent apple scab and rust diseases.

Preventative fungicides to prevent crabapple diseases are recommended to be sprayed just before bud break (blooming).  Typically that isn't until late March...except for this year.  Our spring is about 3 weeks early this season and Crabapples are breaking their blooms right now.  We recommend a minimum of two treatments with a preference of three.  Timing should be approx. 15-21 days apart.  Please let us know if you are interested in this service.

Spray your Crabapples early this year to prevent apple scab and rust diseases.2024-03-09T08:42:48-06:00

Don’t forget last years seed is still new grass.

Going in to the new year we can't forget last years seeding. If you did any fall seeding ranging from just spots in the yard or even a full yard renovation it is easy to forget that it is still new grass. This new grass has not established the deep root system like your well established grass in the lawn. This means that if we have another summer like the past few, with little water and very hot days your new grass will not get the water it needs to promote deep roots and will die out.  With good watering habits to promote deep root systems your new grass with thrive.

Don’t forget last years seed is still new grass.2024-03-09T08:42:07-06:00

Dry spots in lawn

I have come across a few lawns this year that have had 2ft sq to 3 ft sq very dry to nearly dead grass in those areas. What causes this when the rest of the lawn is doing great with no problems? What I am finding is that when I probe the ground in those spots there are large rocks 3 to 4 inches under the soil. Why do those areas start stressing out? With all the rain we received early on in March and then not a lot of rain after,  what happened was those areas dried up faster because the root system of the grass sitting on top of the rock were only 3 to 4 inches thick.

Dry spots in lawn2024-03-09T08:40:37-06:00

To Cover or Not to Cover

Tulips in Freezing Temperatures? The tulip question we all have is always a hard one to determine the action to take in order to prevent losing tulip blooms in cold temperatures. It all depends on the type of weather we get this weekend. If it is only a dipping temperature with a light to moderate frost that accumulates, no action is necessary. High quality tulip bulbs withstand a great deal of temperature changes and should be fine left uncovered.

To Cover or Not to Cover2024-03-09T08:37:26-06:00

Spray your Pines and Crabapples Now

Now is the time to treat against pine and crabapple fungicides.

Pines need protection against blight diseases that causes loss of vigor and potential death in severe cases. A preventative fungicide spaced 10-21 days apart during Mid April- Early May can help to offset the damage that this disease causes.

Spray your Pines and Crabapples Now2024-03-09T08:36:05-06:00
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