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About ALP-admin

For ALP-admin services from Aspen Lawn and Pest, expert lawn care and pest control solutions. Book your service now for a healthy, beautiful yard.

The Importance of Lawn Aeration

With Fall just around the corner, it is important to start thinking about Lawn Renovation in your lawn.  Aerification is probably the single most important maintenance operation you can do to your lawn all season especially in clay soils which are very abundant to say the least in this area.  Aerification not only reduces compaction in the soil, it also helps to break down thatch layers that have developed above the soil level and allows water and nutrient flow below the compaction zone to the roots.

The Importance of Lawn Aeration2024-03-21T08:35:40-05:00

Be on the lookout for Fall Armyworms in turf!

In the last couple weeks, we have seen quite a few outbreaks of Armyworms in Turfgrass.  Usually we see White Grubs this time of year in KC, but this year it is Armyworm.  This pest can do tremendous damage to turf in a very limited amount of time, so if you start seeing brown spots in your lawn, take a closer look!  A large population of Armyworms can turf a green lawn into a brown lawn in very short order, sometimes as little as 24 hours so act fast if you see a problem.  There are multiple insecticides labeled for the control of this pest.

Be on the lookout for Fall Armyworms in turf!2024-03-21T08:34:44-05:00

Should I bag my clippings?

Many people beleive that bagging your clipping helps to limit and reduce the thatch layer in your lawn.  This is not correct.  Thatch is not made up of grass clippings.  It is made up of decay resistant such as surface roots, runners and stems found close to the soil surface.  Grass Clippings are made up of soft tissue that is 85-90% water.  Therefore, when clippings are left to dry on the soil they shrink by 90%.

Should I bag my clippings?2023-09-01T15:49:21-05:00

Tracking Emerald Ash Borer

Well, it has been almost 2 years since Emerald Ash Borer was discovered in Parkville, MO.  Where are we at now?  The bad news is that it shows no signs of slowing down.  Since January, I have personally found three confirmed infestations from North Overland Park to the far southern reaches of Johnson County.  Hold on to your hat's going to be a long, painful ride!  While there have been many publications and differing opinions about EAB, the basic facts remain the same.

Tracking Emerald Ash Borer2024-03-21T08:41:25-05:00

Now is the time to apply preventative fungicides to Flowering Crabapples

Preventative Fungicide sprays should be applied during Late March/April to prevent rust and scab diseases on flowering Crabapple trees.  Applications to prevent Fireblight disease in Crabapples should also be applied.


Now is the time to apply preventative fungicides to Flowering Crabapples2024-03-21T08:40:57-05:00

Seeding season is here!

Lawns around Kansas City look much better going into this fall than they have in the last couple seasons.  Many people are looking out on their yards and thinking that they don't need to do anything this fall to the lawn...Truth is that you should look at this as an opportunity.  Moist soil and cooler weather is going to create a great opportunity to improve the overall health of your lawn this fall.  Aeration will be beneficial in getting water and nutrients down to the root zone while also releiving soil compaction that all the mowing and rain has caused.

Seeding season is here!2024-03-20T23:20:17-05:00

Aerate your lawn this fall!

Aeration should be part of your annual turf maintenance program just as important as weed control and balanced fertilizer program.  Aeration helps to releive compaction but maybe even more important it gets water and nutrients flowing into the root zone which stimilates root growth and creates a stronger, healthier root system.  Please call us today to schedule your lawn aeration.

Aerate your lawn this fall!2024-03-20T23:19:22-05:00
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