Winter Special: 25% Off New Irrigation Installs / 50% Off First Pest Control Application. View Offers!

Winter Special: 25% Off New Irrigation Installs / 50% Off First Pest Control Application. View Offers!

Turf & Ornamental Maintenance

Irrigation Shut Down

Don't get caught with frozen pipes when we experience our first hard freeze in Kansas City this year. According to the How Do Gardner there is a 90% chance of our first frost date being after October 28th* & the first freeze being after November 8th*. That being said, we strongly urge you to schedule your irrigation lines to be blown out using our compressor machine as soon as possible. It is especially important for those who have an above-ground backflow preventer because they are more susceptible to damage during a freeze.

Irrigation Shut Down2024-03-21T11:14:20-05:00

Call now to schedule your Irrigation Winterization

We're currently scheduling appointments to winterize sprinkler systems.  Please call us asap as our schedule fills up very fast this time of year.  All underground irrigation systems should be blown out before winter to avoid costly breaks or repairs next spring.

Call now to schedule your Irrigation Winterization2023-09-01T15:50:04-05:00


Here it is the middle of October already. Where has the year gone? Yes, it is time to start shutting down your irrigation system. In the Kansas City area it is truly needed to get all the water out of the pipes in your system. We are scheduling winterizations now. You really never know now days on when mother nature is going to switch to below freezing temps. Please don't be the person that wait till the last minute. Call our office now and get your winterization scheduled.


The Importance of Lawn Aeration

With Fall just around the corner, it is important to start thinking about Lawn Renovation in your lawn.  Aerification is probably the single most important maintenance operation you can do to your lawn all season especially in clay soils which are very abundant to say the least in this area.  Aerification not only reduces compaction in the soil, it also helps to break down thatch layers that have developed above the soil level and allows water and nutrient flow below the compaction zone to the roots.

The Importance of Lawn Aeration2024-03-21T08:35:40-05:00

Should I bag my clippings?

Many people beleive that bagging your clipping helps to limit and reduce the thatch layer in your lawn.  This is not correct.  Thatch is not made up of grass clippings.  It is made up of decay resistant such as surface roots, runners and stems found close to the soil surface.  Grass Clippings are made up of soft tissue that is 85-90% water.  Therefore, when clippings are left to dry on the soil they shrink by 90%.

Should I bag my clippings?2023-09-01T15:49:21-05:00

Now is the time to apply preventative fungicides to Flowering Crabapples

Preventative Fungicide sprays should be applied during Late March/April to prevent rust and scab diseases on flowering Crabapple trees.  Applications to prevent Fireblight disease in Crabapples should also be applied.


Now is the time to apply preventative fungicides to Flowering Crabapples2024-03-21T08:40:57-05:00
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