Here are the 27 highest ranked fescue cultivars for the midwest as rated by K-state over the last 5 years :
2nd Millenium, Apache III, Avenger, Biltmore, Blackwatch, Cayenne, Cochise III, Dynasty, Escalade, Falcon IV, Fidelity, Finelawn Elite, Forte, Guardian 21, Inferno, Justice, Kalahari, Matador, Padre, Picasso, Regiment II, Rembrandt, Tar Heel, Titanium, Ultimate, Watchdog, & Wolfpack
Turf Pre-Pay Discounts
Looking to save money on your turf applications? Save an automatic 5% when pre-paying for the program this winter. Call the office or contact your applictor for more details!
How late can I seed?
Why Late Lawn Seedings Often Fail We normally recommend that Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue be seeded in September but no later than October 15. Though plantings later than October 15 can be successful, the odds of success diminish as time passes. This year has been so warm that those who planted a bit late will likely