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About ALP-admin

For ALP-admin services from Aspen Lawn and Pest, expert lawn care and pest control solutions. Book your service now for a healthy, beautiful yard.

Bagworms are back with a vengence!!

Bagworms are here and here bigger than ever!  Eastern red cedars (Juniper- all varieties) and Spruces have been hit hard this summer.  Control is imperitive right now as bigger bagworms consume increasingly greater amounts of foliage, thus imperiling "evergreens" with each passing day.  I've seen a mature Spruce tree killed completely in the period of 2-3 days in hot climates.  Bagworms are easy to control and kill if treatment is done NOW!!

Bagworms are back with a vengence!!2024-03-08T14:22:06-06:00

Damaged root systems this summer!

The following is taken from the KSU Horticulture Newsletter, by Ward Upham:

Outside Plants May Need to be Watered

As we mentioned in an earlier newsletter, waterlogged soils push oxygen out of the soil that roots need to survive. Every living cell in a plant must have oxygen or it dies. Numerous parts of Kansas have had such a wet winter and spring that plants are entering the summer with weakened root systems.

Damaged root systems this summer!2024-03-08T14:21:31-06:00

Tree planting: The good, the bad, the ugly!

Are you planting your tree correctly?
The following opinion was published by the Missouri Department of Conservation.  It can be found on their website at
Tree fanciers all have one thing in common. We all plant trees incorrectly. More specifically, we all plant trees too deeply. Maybe 10 percent of the people reading that sentence are thinking, "Yes, most everybody else does plant trees too deep, but not me."

Tree planting: The good, the bad, the ugly!2024-03-09T08:22:08-06:00

Rain sensors save $$$$

Did you know that rain sensors are required by law in many states?  Rain sensors can be retrofitted to fit nearly any controller to save you $$$$ and conserve our most important natural resource, water.  There is also new technology called "smart sync" that considers temperature, wind & rain to properly calibrate as needed depending on the current weather conditions. 

Rain sensors save $$$$2024-03-08T14:18:39-06:00

Powdery mildew on turf

This spring, I've noticed this disease on about 9 of 10 lawns I've looked at.  Most if the sites have been on side yards where there is little air movement and poor light.  Powdery mildew appears on the upper portion of the grass blade as a powdery white substance.  This fungi is usually purely aesthetically displeasing, but can cause the plant to die if it is allowed to become severe enough to infect the crown portion of the plant.  The best way to control the disease is to allow light penetration and better air movement.  There are a # of fungicides labeled for co

Powdery mildew on turf2024-03-08T14:18:01-06:00

Efficient Irrigation

Follow these steps when setting up your irrigation clock this spring.  You will save water and improve the health of the turf in your lawn.

1st-  Consider the amount of time you want to water each area **Note: consider differances with rotors, pop-ups and moisture requirements for each area in the lawn.

2nd- Consider and set the days you'd like to water.

Efficient Irrigation2024-03-08T14:17:18-06:00

“Smart” sprinkler controllers

Did you know that over half of household water use, on average, goes to maintaining yards and landscapes? 


"Smart" sprinkler controllers ruduce outdoor water use by monitoring and using informations about site conditions (such as soil moisture, rain, wind, slop, soil, plant type and more), and applying the right amount of water bosed on those factors- not too much and not too little- to maintain healthy growing conditions.  Call us to schedule a "Smart" sprinkler Inspection.

“Smart” sprinkler controllers2024-03-08T14:16:34-06:00
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