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About ALP-admin

For ALP-admin services from Aspen Lawn and Pest, expert lawn care and pest control solutions. Book your service now for a healthy, beautiful yard.

Cedar apple rust and what it is

Have you noticed the nasty orange blobs forming on your junipers? This is a disease called cedar apple rust that is host specific to Junipers and crabapple trees. It is a huge problem in this area because both of these plants are arguably the most commonly planted trees due to their hardiness to our soil and climate. The article below from K-State will give you some info on ID and treatment. Let me know if you have any questions.

Cedar apple rust and what it is2024-03-09T08:33:47-06:00

Can Aphids damage turf?

I found some brown spots in a spring green lawn today...very surprised so I took a closer look.  I found Aphids crawling up and down the grass blade, sucking the green right out of the plant.  Insecticides such as delta guard or talstar should be applied to take care of these insects.  Damage is probably very localized, but can cause serious damage if left untreated.  Keep on the look out! 

Can Aphids damage turf?2024-03-09T08:30:56-06:00

Heating up….

If you haven't done so already, it is time to turn sprinkler clocks on NOW.  Weather heating up to low 90's this week will turn green grass brown quickly in addition to creating early stress on the plant that will weaken it making it difficult to withstand summer heat.  We recommend programming clocks to run 3 days per week.  Run times are as follows:

Rotors- 30 minutes per zone

Sprays/Pop ups- 10 minutes per zone

Heating up….2024-03-09T08:29:14-06:00

Sudden needle drop of Spruce

The following article is directly from Iowa State University's Extension office Horticulture site- Another problem has been noted recently on spruce in several states, including Wisconsin, Missouri, Kansas, and Minnesota. Needles on the older growth of individual branches quickly turn yellow or brown before falling off, usually leaving behind only the newest growth. Affected branches may be scattered through the canopy. The overall canopy of the tree thins, sometimes leaving bare branches.

Sudden needle drop of Spruce2024-03-09T08:28:21-06:00

Grubs die!

Preventative Grub Control applications should be applied around late May-late June in Kansas. There are two major species of White Grubs in Kansas. The first and most important is the Southern Masked Chafer (See picture). The second is the May Beetle, also known as the June Beetle. Southern Masked Chafer usually do more damage than the May Beetle due to greater #'s produced. All Lawns should be treated with Merit (Imidacloprid). Merit works by interfering with the transmission of nerve impulses in insects and has a low toxicity rating for humans.

Grubs die!2024-03-09T08:27:36-06:00

Beer and turf….

Interesting post from Michigan State University Extension- "I read in a newspaper article that I should mix some baby shampoo, ammonia, beer, and some corn syrup in a 20 gallon hose end sprayer. Really? What are these ingredients all about and how could they possibly work on a lawn? Baby shampoo could serve as a type of surfactant that could reduce water repellency in the soil – if that’s a problem for your soil. Ammonia is a source of nitrogen. Beer and corn syrup has some sort of natural organic fertilizer or biostimulant.

Beer and turf….2024-03-09T08:26:41-06:00
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