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About ALP-admin

For ALP-admin services from Aspen Lawn and Pest, expert lawn care and pest control solutions. Book your service now for a healthy, beautiful yard.

Facts about Crabgrass

Large crabgrass, a summer annual, is a member of the grass family. It is one of the most troublesome weeds in lawns. Crabgrass reproduces by seeds. It has a prolific tillering or branching habit. A single plant is capable of producing 150 to 700 tillers and 150,000 seeds. Crabgrass plants are very adaptive to mowing height. Plants can produce seeds at mowing heights as low as 1/2-inch. Crabgrass germination is related to soil temperature. When the soil temperature reaches 60 degrees F, crabgrass begins to germinate.

Facts about Crabgrass2024-03-09T09:02:01-06:00


Fungus season is here....There are three main types of fungal diseases on turf to keep an eye out for when disease pressure is high.  They are Summer Patch on Kentucky Bluegrass, Brown Patch on Fescue and Dollar Spot on both types.  There a couple ways to determine if you have a fungus outbreak on turf.  First, you must judge the disease pressure factors which are heat, humidity, moisture content and nighttime temperatures above 65 degrees.  Once you've determined these factors are all present, the next step is to probe the soil of the stressed/brown area to ensur


Water Water Water

As we continue in this hot dry weather don't forget to keep the lawn watered. Even with any rain we get it will not be enough to green anything up. We are to the point where the sprinklers should be on even after a rain. This is also the conditions if you are watering and have dry spots or stressed out area in the lawn that you might need to have your system checked  for good coverage. Let Aspen get your system up to snuff.

Our recommendations for water right now are:

3-4 Days a Week

Water Water Water2024-03-09T09:00:46-06:00


Bagworms are once again here but they are early this year.  Bagworms can only be effected by pesticides when thier bag is soft, they are easy to kill and evan though you may notice them on all kinds of trees and bushes evergreen bushes are the only ones they will kill.  Please let us know if you notice any bags.


Do I have Fescue or Bluegrass?

The 2 most common grasses in Kansas lawns are Bluegrass and Tall Fescue. Most all the yards in the area will have a mixture of Fescue and Bluegrass. Unless you are really concerned with having one or the other you probably have a mix of the 2 in your lawn. Both have their benefits one more than other. Most of the time is comes down to what you like.  Here at Aspen we only seed with a tri-blend Fescue unless the customer wants another blend. The reason we use Fescue is because of its hardiness.

Do I have Fescue or Bluegrass?2024-05-10T14:58:29-05:00

Pesky Warm Season Grasses in your Turf!!!

Warm season grasses in our area are in most cases an invasive plant that nobody wants in their yard. The two common ones in our area are Bermuda Grass and Zoysia Grass.  If you are dealing with either one of these problems in your yard, NOW is the time to start taking care of this. 

Pesky Warm Season Grasses in your Turf!!!2024-03-09T08:57:17-06:00
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