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About ALP-admin

For ALP-admin services from Aspen Lawn and Pest, expert lawn care and pest control solutions. Book your service now for a healthy, beautiful yard.

Watering Recommendations

Don't let your grass turn into this picture! The hot summer months are just around the corner, it is very important that your lawn receives enough water to stay healthy and keep that green color we all love. Drought stress can set in unless we act quickly to prevent this. Follow the program below to help keep your yard healthy throughout the summer.

3-4 Days a Week
30-35 Minutes per Zone (Rotors)
15-20 Minutes per Zone (Sprays)

Remember DO NOT water on mowing days.

Watering Recommendations2023-09-01T15:49:56-05:00

Memorial Day

Aspen will be closed on Monday May 28th in observance of Memorial Day.  All regularly scheduled services will resume on Tuesday May 29th.  Please be advised that mowing services will be 1 day behind schedule.  Thanks for your understanding and Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend.

Memorial Day2023-09-01T15:49:56-05:00

MLB VA Legacy project

On Saturday, Aspen teamed up with Chrismas in October, Bank of America and MLB to install a new landscape at the new Veterans Clinic at 4251 Northern Ave. in Kansas City.  A special thanks to all the Aspen Employess who volunteered their time for this special cause in giving back to our veterans who have given so much for us!  Also a special thanks to Loma Vista Nursery who generously donated plant material for the project. 

MLB VA Legacy project2023-09-01T15:49:58-05:00

Helping the enviroment

Here’s a way to save $$$ and the environment:  Change the font in the documents you print.  Different fonts require different amounts of ink to print.  Tests show Century Gothic uses about 30% less ink than Arial.  You could be buying new printer cartridges less often.  However the greenest way to save on ink is not to print at all!!

Helping the enviroment2023-09-01T15:49:58-05:00

MAGICouncil Day of Remembrance volunteer work

On July 9th, Aspen Residential Account Manager Jeff Goldsby volunteered his time to the Leavenworth National Cemetary in partnership with other members of MAGICouncil to help cleanup and refresh the property.  This is the 1st annual event and we hope to continue this "Day of remembrance" next July to remember all those that have paid the ultimate price to give us our freedom.

MAGICouncil Day of Remembrance volunteer work2024-03-21T10:10:51-05:00

Deaming of rain…

Rain Drops

Rain drops from the clouds and onto trees,
Down the tree trunks and off the leaves.
Down a mountain, into a brook,
Past a chipmunk in a nook.
Into a pond, off a log.
On top of a turtle and onto a frog.
Onto roads, onto the grass,
Onto trains and trucks that pass.
On top of bridges, cars and boats.
Even onto people’s coats.
Onto houses and my windowpane.
I just love to watch the drops,
The drips and drops of rain.

Deaming of rain…2024-03-21T10:08:16-05:00

Drought Impact going to be felt for months….

Keep an Eye on Beef Prices in the Grocery Store

Because of severe drought, 80% of Johnson County's corn crop is a loss. The loss to soy beans and sorghum is 60%. The drought is impacting the 2012 corn crop across the Midwest. Corn is used to feed cattle. Beef prices may take a short-term nose dive as farmers liquidate their supplies. Long-term, beef prices are expected to rise.

- Johnson County Research and Extension

Drought Impact going to be felt for months….2024-03-21T10:07:14-05:00


Well this is our second small rain shower in 1 week. At this point we will take what we can get. With these little rain showers we can sometimes feel like we can take it easy on the sprinklers for a day or two. This is not the case. Even with these little showers you should not change your irrigation settings. Our recommended settings for irrigation are:

5-6 days a week
Rotors: 30mins a zone
Sprays: 15mins a zone

If you have any questions about setting your irrigation feel free to give Aspen a call at 839-6135.

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